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Severance Tax

Severance tax issues deserve special attention as the Texas statute of limitations can be as short as two years for severance taxes paid on wells that may qualify for severance tax reductions.


Our review of your State of Texas severance tax reporting would focus on locating and applying for refunds of overpaid natural gas and crude oil severance taxes under numerous rate reduction programs in the Texas Tax Code :

  • High Cost Gas

  • Two-Year Inactive

  • Low Producing Well Credits

  • Marketing Costs

  • Enhanced Oil Recovery


One of our top priorities is to keep the time required from any of your personnel on our project to an absolute minimum. We perform all aspects of the refund process including designation of qualifying areas as high-cost gas formations, administrative well filings, report filings, audit administration, and replying to Comptroller correspondence. We also have the ability to develop uploads to match your revenue system, making the process of accounting for the refunds as simple and low-maintenance as possible.


We have a very good relationship with the Railroad Commission and Comptroller’s office due to the fact that our claims are fair and do not attempt to take frivolous positions while still attempting to collect the most tax refund available for our clients. We feel confident that our review will be efficient and economically beneficial to your company.

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